Hijab is a head covering worn by Muslim women to promote modesty and cover their hair, neck, and chest in front of men outside of their family. The word “hijab” comes from the Arabic root word “hajaba,” meaning to conceal or cover. Styles vary.

Muslim women may choose not to wear the hijab as it is a personal decision.

Hijab Styles

There are numerous styles of hijab, and they vary based on personal preferences and cultural practices. Here are some common styles of hijab:

The hijab is traditionally a rectangular piece of cloth draped over the head and secured with a pin.

Shawl hijab style involves using a scarf to cover the head, leaving the ends hanging over the shoulders.

Turban hijab style: wrap scarf around head like a turban, tuck in or leave ends hanging.

Ninja hijab style: tight cap and loose scarf.

One-piece hijab is equal to headscarf plus cap..

The butterfly hijab style involves folding a rectangular scarf into a butterfly shape and wrapping it over the head.

These are just a few examples of hijab styles, and there are many more variations and combinations to explore.

Burka vs Hijab

Muslim women wear burqa and hijab to maintain modesty. Burqa is a full-body veil that covers the face and body, with a mesh screen over the eyes. “It is commonly worn in Afghanistan, South Asia, and by some Muslim women residing in Western countries.”

The primary difference between a burka and a hijab is the extent of the coverage. Muslim women worldwide choose to wear these garments for personal reasons.”Women wear the hijab or burka for faith, modesty or as a cultural/religious expression. We should respect their choice.”


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