Learn The Tajweed of The Quran Online

We understand that the Quran is more than a book acting as a sacred guide to life. It is necessary to recite the Holy Quran with Tajweed to connect with the depth of the divine message. Whether you are a beginner or seeking to refine your skills, our Tajweed Quran course helps you improve your recitation. This course is perfect for strengthening your understanding of the Holy Quran and spiritual connection.

What is Tajweed?

Tajweed is a collection of rules ensuring the perfect pronunciation of the Arabic letters for reciting the Holy Quran. Therefore, Tajweed meaning is to learn ideal pronunciation. The meaning of Tajweed in Urdu and English describes the techniques for correct articulation and pronunciation of Arabic letters.

The Tajweed rules ensure that every letter has correct pronunciation to preserve the original meanings and sounds of the Quran. Our course helps you learn how to read quran with Tajweed.

Tajweed Quran Course

Tajwwed is derivative of the Arabic word “Jayyid,” meaning “to make better” or “to improve.” Therefore, you can define tajweed as an approach to giving the Holy Quran its due respect by reciting it in the most accurate and beautiful way.

Understanding the Tajweed definition is essential to connecting reading the Quran with its depth, rhythm, and beauty. This Tajweed Quran course of our Holy Quran academy enables you to pronounce the words as they revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which is essential to maintaining the integrity of the Quranic message.

What is the Quran Tajweed Course?

The Tajweed Quran course features a vision to teach students the methods and rules of rectifying their Quranic recitation. We have started this course with a vision of allowing students to learn the Quran online with Tajweed. 

This course helps you recite Arabic letters with precise articulation, pronunciation, and phonetic detailing in the presence of established rules. Our course covers everything ranging from Makhraj to elongation.

What are Tajweed Rules?

These rules refer to guidelines for governing the correct articulation, pronunciation, and recitation of the Quranic words. The perfect rules part of the Tajweed Quran course ensures the integrity, meaning, and beauty of the Quranic text. We have created an online Tajweed course to preserve the sacredness of the Holy Quran while improving the reciter’s connection with Allah Almighty’s message. 

1. Makharij (Articulation Points)

It indicates the specific points in the throat and mouth from where the Arabic letters are pronounced. There is a deep connection between Tajweed and Makhraj which is part of our Tajweed Quran course. You must remember that each Arabic letter has its own articulation point during the Tajweed of Quran. For instance: 

  • Dental Letters such as “د” (Dal) and “ط” (Ta) have articulation from the tongue connecting with the teeth.
  • Throat Letters such as “ح” (Ha) and “ع” (Ayn) have articulation from the reciter’s throat.

2. Sifat (Characteristics of Letters)

Our Tajweed Institute understands the distinctive properties of each Arabic letter that influence correct pronunciation. The characteristics of Tajweed Quaran include:

  1. Light (Tarqiq) and Heavy (Tafkhim) letters are based on the sound production. For instance, “ر” (Ra) sounds heavy in specific cases.
  2. Muffled (Rikhwah) letters such as “م” (Meem) are pronounced in a soft and relaxed sound.
  3. Whispered (Shiddah) letters such as “ق” (Qaf) have pronunciation with an intense and stronger sound.

3. Noon Sakinah (ن) and Tanween (ً ٍ ٌ)

Noon Sakinah in Tajweed Quran indicates the letter “ن” without a vowel, and Tanween indicates the double vowel marks such as ( ً ٍ ٌ) occurring at the end of an Arabic word. Both forms have dedicated rules in Quran and Tajweed for proper pronunciation:

  1. Merging (Idgham): When tanween or noon sakinah is followed by specific letters such as “ي”, “و”, “م”, the sound of “ن” is added into the following letter.
  2. Conversion (Iqlab): When the word “ب” comes after “ن,” it produces a sound of “م.”
  3. Hiding (Ikhfaa): When specific letters come after “ن,” the word “ن” is produced in a subtle approach, ensuring a “hiding” effect without the full pronunciation.

4. Madd (Stretching of Vowels)

Madd describes the elongation of specific vowel sounds in the Quran Tajweed taught in our online Tajweed course. The definition of Madd in Tajweed allows you to learn ideal recitation. There are various madd types with their own rules for stretching the vowel included in this Tajweed Quran course:

  1. Madd Asli: A natural vowel elongation for two counts, such as “ا” in “قال.”
  2. Madd Far’i: An elongation for four or five counts in a few cases like words with additional marks of the vowel.
  3. Madd Munfasil: This elongation is applicable when the letter with a distinctive vowel comes after another letter with a vowel, resulting in a longer stretch.

5. Qalqalah (Rebounding Sound)

It’s an applicable Tajwid rule to letters like ق, ط, ب, ج, د, which ensure a rebounding sound due to their pronunciation, resulting in sukoon. For instance, you can look at the following Tajweed Quran rules:

  • The word ج has an excellent quality when it appears as sukoon.
  •  ق is also pronounced with more forceful sukoon. 

6. Ghunna (Nasal Sound)

Ghunna represents the nasal sound occurring during the pronunciation of specific letters. ن and م are the usual letters for Ghunna. It becomes more significant when they contain a tanween or sukoon. Ghunna tajweed rules indicate that the nasal sound offers a better recitation quality.

7. Tarqiq (Light Pronunciation) and Tafkhim (Heavy Pronunciation)

Tarqiq in the Tajweed Quran course describes the lightening of specific letters such as ي, ل, and س, which are pronounced with a soft tone to learn Quran with Tajweed. 

Tafkhim in rules for Tajweed represents the pronunciation of specific letters with a heavy tone, such as ص, ض, ر, ق, and ط.

8. Waqf (Stopping Rules)

Waqf indicates the Quran tajweed rules to stop at the end of a sentence or a verse during the recitation. Different stop types have been mentioned below:

  1. Waqf Laazim: An essential stop due to meaning or grammar.
  2. Waqf Qali: A short, brief pause without interrupting the meaning.
  3. Waqf Tamm: A complete stop due to the permission.

9. Izhar (Clear Pronunciation)

This rule is applicable in conditions where specific letters such as ء, ه, ع, غ, خ follow the tanween or noon sakinah. It is part of the rules of Tajweed dictating the clear pronunciation of the “n” without needing a merge.

10. Iqra’ (Clear Enunciation)

We teach this rule in our online Tajweed course, which involves the clear and distinct pronunciation of letters. The fluency of each word must be proper and crisp without any distortion while pronouncing individual Arabic letters.

11. Hamzatul Qat’ and Hamzatul Wasl

  • Hamzatul Qat’: It is known as the cutting Hamzah in Tajweed rules PDF whether a verse is linked or not to the former verse included in Tajweed Quran course.
  • Hamzatul Wasl: It is familiar as a connecting hamzah that appears silently at the start of a recitation. This Hamzatul Wasl is not pronounced when a verse is not linked to the former verse.

Tajweed Quran PDF for Correct Pronunciation

Quran Tajweed PDF is a valuable resource for teachers and students at our academy. It includes Quranic text with color-coded markings or annotations to indicate Tajweed rules. A Quran with Tajweed color coded helps students to identify where specific pause, elongation, or pronunciation is applicable. We offer access to the Tajweed course online free for 5 days, allowing students to analyze our teaching method.

Our Tajweed Quran PDF ensures gradual familiarity with the perfect rules for refining recitation skills. Therefore, you can learn Tajweed online in the presence of resources with the proper guides and explanations. The purpose is to enable students to master and practice the rules of Tajweed PDF.

Color Coded Quran with Tajweed for Students

Tajweed color coded Quran is an effective and innovative method for helping students learn the ideal pronunciation of different Arabic words. We teach color coded Tajweed rules with perfect recitation without mistakes in the Tajweed Quran course. This color-coded version utilizes various color schemes to highlight specific rules, allowing students to recognize different pronunciation nuances.

Each color in the Quran with color-coded Tajweed rules Arabic PDF represents different aspects such as phonetic rules, vowel lengths, and consonants. We use visual representation to makes it easy for students to memorize the pronunciation with accuracy. We help non-Arabic speakers with a valuable learning experience by simplifying the complex rules through Tajweed symbols in Quran. 

Illustrated Tajweed New Edition Combined Volume 1 and 2

It is a comprehensive guide to ensure the smooth learning of Tajweed principles in the most accessible format. Illustrated Tajweed new edition combined volumes 1 and 2 US provides an in-depth explanation of Tajwid rules. 

Illustrated Tajweed two volumes التجويد المصور باللغة الإنجليزية PDF consists of the best illustrations to ensure the effective techniques for learning Tajwid. Our tutors use a PDF, similar to the Noorani Qaida course, ensuring step-by-step instructions for students to learn emphasis, nasalization, and elongation.  

Illustrated Tajweed new edition combined volumes 1 and 2 to help students visualize the perfect mouth positions needed for the perfect recitation. This volume provides a structured approach for beginners and advanced students. Illustrated Tajweed two volumes التجويد المصور باللغة الإنجليزية offers a user-friendly layout with color-coded sections for proper guidance of recitation stages.

Each rule in the Tajweed book is explained comprehensively with practical exercises. The new edition features the best techniques to improve readability and clarity for students. Tajweed for Beginners PDF contains interactive illustrations in an organized format with comprehensive resources. You can learn Tajweed from us and consider 15 line Tajweed Quran PDF download.

Tajweed Quran English Transliteration

English transliteration in the Tajweed Quran course is an approach to represent Arabic words in the Latin alphabet. This method is perfect for non-Arabic speakers to read the Qurans without learning the Arabic script. Therefore, Muslims living in different countries, especially the USA, UK, UAE, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, can consider Tajweed with English translation. 16 line Tajweed Quran download allows you to practice Tajweed easily.

Tajweed Quran with English translation and transliteration ensures a solid foundation for those who want to recite the Quran but are not familiar with the Arabic words. However, English transliteration does not provide the full meaning of Arabic text, even if it helps students in pronunciation.

What is the Difference Between Adhan and Iqama in Tajweed?

Adhan and iqama difference Tajweed is mentioned below:

  • Adhan is an elongated tone used to pronounce Quranic words and verses. 
  • Iqamah is an approach to reciting the Quran in a more monotone and quicker way.

Why is the Tajweed Quran Course Important?

Our Online course for Tajweed Qur’an has become important for global students due to the following reasons:

  1. Preserve Quran’s Integrity: The Holy Quran is a direct word of Allah Almighty, and a little mispronunciation can alter the meaning of a Quranic verse. Our al Quran Tajweed preserves the sacredness of the Holy Book by ensuring the correct pronunciation of each letter. 
  2. Improve Understanding: Tajweed is a process of understanding the deeper meanings of each Quranic word. The recitation with precision helps you earn appreciation for the elegance of the divine message after enrolling in our Tajweed Quran course.
  3. Spiritual Connection: Tajweed lessons online are ideal for enhancing your spiritual relationship with the Allah Almighty. Therefore, your recitation will become an ideal reflection of the reverence fostering a spiritual sense of the sacred text.
  4. Reward from Allah: The Tajweed Quran online is available for students seeking Allah Almighty’s reward. Allah will bless you with the many rewards in the world’s life and hereafter.

What Will You Learn in Our Online Tajweed Classes?

Our Tajweed Quran course caters to students with different learning capabilities. Qualified Quran tutors teach Quran PDF with Tajweed, allowing students to master recitation following their own learning pace.

  1. Introduction to Different Tajweed Rules: You can start reading al Quran online with Tajweed in the presence of fundamental rules. These rules enable you to learn and pronounce Arabic letters.
  2. Learn Tajwid Rules: It’s time to learn the Tajweed Quran with English translation & transliteration. Our teachers help you to understand each rule deeply and implement it in your recitation.
  3. Tafseer & Recitation: Even though recitation and Tafseer are separate courses, we help you to understand the meaning of Quranic verses and recite them properly. 

Benefits of Learning Quran Tajweed Online at Mahad Al Islami Lil Banat Academy

There are different benefits of the Tajweed Quran course for students choosing our academy. 

  • Expert Teachers: Our professional instructors teach Tajweed rules Quran. They are passionate about assisting students in combining the rules of pronunciation and the Quran.
  • Structured Curriculum: This course has a structured curriculum, like the best Quran memorization course. Our course for Tajweed rules of Quran meets your learning requirements.
  • Flexible Tajwid Learning: The Tajweed course includes flexible schedules, allowing you to set class timing to suit your requirements. Therefore, you can learn at your own learning speed from our Tajweed classes.
  • Supportive Learning Environment:  Our Tajweed Quran course ensures a supportive environment, allowing students to learn and improve their Tajweed.
  • Tailored Feedback: Every student has a unique learning capability, and our teachers offer customizable feedback to help them for productive and meaningful learning.

Online Quran Tajweed Course Fee

Our online Quran academy fees for the Tajweed course with 20 classes per month are mentioned below:

CountryClass DurationFee/Month
UAE30 Minutes140 AED
UK30 Minutes£35
US30 Minutes $45
Europe30 Minutes€35
Australia30 Minutes45 AUS
Pakistan10-15 MinutesPKR 4000 

Enroll in the Tajweed Quran Course Today

Are you ready to master the rules of Quran Tajweed? At Mahad Al Islami Lil Banat, we always help students learn Tajweed in a supportive learning environment. This is how to learn quran with tajweed at home. Enroll today in our Tajweed Quran course and start your journey toward perfecting and beautifying your recitation!


What is a Tajweed Quran?

Answer: A process of reciting the Quran with precise articulation and pronunciation, following the rules for perfect sound.

What Does Tajweed Mean in Islam?

Answer: Tajwid means, in Islam, the correct recitation of the Holy Quran while focusing on phonetic details.

Is Tajweed Important?

Answer: Yes, Tajweed is very important because it ensures the ideal pronunciation for perfect recitation while preserving integrity.

How Many Rules of Tajweed Are There?

Answer: There are 17 to 70 rules of Tajweed for reading the Holy Quran perfectly.

Is It Compulsory to Recite Quran with Tajweed?

Answer: No, it is not compulsory to recite the Quran with Tajweed, but it is recommended for better pronunciation and preservation of the intended meaning.

What is Makhraj in Tajweed?

Answer: Makhraj represents the particular articulation points for the pronunciation of different Arabic letters.

How Many Makhraj are There in Tajweed?

Answer: There are 17 Makhraj with distinctive articulation for Arabic letters.

Is It Haram to Read Quran without Tajweed?

Answer: No, it is not haram to read Quran without Tajweed, but Tajweed helps you ensure correct pronunciation.

How Long Does It Take to Learn Tajweed?

Answer: It takes several months to a few years, depending on different factors such as prior Arabic knowledge, dedication, and practice.

How to Get Ijazah in Tajweed?

Answer: You can get an Ijazah in Tajwid by studying under the supervision of our renowned academy in this Tajweed Quran course and demonstrating the rules.